Development of Lessons

Suggesting Improvements

HPC Carpentry lessons are collaboratively developed: anyone can contribute and we receive contributions regularly. All of our lessons are on GitHub and creating an account is required to contribute directly to the lessons. To fix a typo, correct an error, clarify an example, or otherwise suggest an improvement to an existing lesson, you can file an issue on the lesson’s GitHub repository. For typo fixes and error corrections, pull requests are also welcome! For suggestions, and to propose large-scale changes, please start a conversation through an issue rather than putting in a pull request. This gives the lesson Maintainers and the rest of the community an opportunity to discuss the suggestion before you’ve done all of the work. If you’re not familiar with GitHub, you can also submit a comment or question through one of our communication channels.

For more details on the workflow of how to contribute via GitHub, see this community contributed tutorial.

Contributing New Lessons

Any lesson that follows The Carpentries

and is licensed either CC-BY or CC-0, can be proposed for HPC Carpentry. The first two can be aspirational, as the process of peer review and engagement of other members of the community will help refine lesson material in the right direction. The Code of Conduct and license are non-negotiable.

Even at an early stage of development, people already familiar with The Carpentries teaching practices should be able to pick up and teach the in meetups, in class, or in complement of a “standard” Carpentries 2-day workshop. The lessons can also be used by independent learners, outside of workshops.

We will also try to provide a friendly, community-supported, peer-review process for new material.